Some do. You don't need to know Linux inside-out to know how to set up RAID0.
"No go. I'm running 2x500GB drives in hardware level RAID-0. The hardware is provided by nVidia, just like everything else in this system. While the nVidia graphic drivers are easily available, the RAID drivers are not. Even a quick apt-cache search nvidia shows nothing RAID-related. I did find one article that discussed how to recompile the kernel to add dmraid, but again, think of the average user."
The average user with a RAID 0?
Turkey bacon is good with eggs, kthx.
I'll fire you.
You're fired.
Forget shrugging. Make another appointment specifically to talk about the panic attacks.
Maybe that's it, especially with the gagging feeling you were having. By the way...
FueyLulu: I've already discussed it with the doctor and she just kinda shrugged it off.
Dustin: I'm not really a light sleeper. I'm wondering now if it's sleep apnea.
I've had this happen to me a few times after extreme sleep deprivation. The worst was a time I had an extremely bad ear infection from swimming that was so painful I was unable to sleep for two / two and a half days-ish. When I finally slept I woke up after just around 30 minutes, probably still in REM sleep, completely irrational. I remember walking into the living room at my grandparents warning that the marbles were going to kill us all... and as crazy as it sounds now it made perfect sense at the time.
I've had this happen a few other times and had the same feelings without the marble silliness... sometimes just a really saddening, evil-presence-near-me sort of feeling, usually when I'm awoken after having little sleep for awhile.
Sounds like you're getting it a lot though, are you a pretty light sleeper?
You know my advice. :P
Serenity now!!!! < / seinfeld reference >
True, true.
don't stress man... that just makes it worse. focus on living happy and being healthy... more on the being happy than healthy. that way you've at least had a good time. what more can u do?
Very funny, FueyLulu.