• Nice try.

  • So no "Teddy is an American"?

  • It's quite possible that I'll be handing over about $1,000 to the US government this year (not including normal paycheck deductions) thanks to immigration filing fees and taxes not drawn from my paycheck.

    This money will be to keep things status quo btw, it's not for any huge or horrific changes.

  • BOO!

  • I actually ended up throwing out the last batch of bacon because the caramel burned. It was nasty.

    As far as the parents finding the blog, yeah... They could. They could also throw anything after the @ in their e-mail addresses in the address bar. Whether or not they did is another story.

  • Sorry to hear this, Tim. Maybe you shouldn't be eating all that candied bacon.


  • You know that either of your parents could find this blog by searching google for "Tim Garrison" and "skudd". Just a thought. :-P

  • ...and by the way, I've not told my parents yet. The person who does shall face the wrath of the guy with high blood pressure.

  • Congrats. You spotted the weirdness. :P

    The first car was indeed given to me, but only after I loaned my parents the money to buy it.

    When I was fired from the one job, I actually shook everyone's hand on the way out the door, including the guy who said I was fired. Normally, I would have been very upset. However, this was the excuse I needed to get myself into a college program. Had I not been fired from that job, I would probably still be there today.

  • Who says I'm naive though? Maybe the hardcore supporters are. I'm not saying I'm right, just trying to offer a different perspective.

  • My first car was given to me I have paid for all the vehicles I have owned by myself

    I have been fired from a job once I have never quit a job on bad terms

    Uhhhh... I mean, I think I know what you're getting at, but these are contradictory :P

  • This post is naive and the comment is racist.

  • What if that sign is at the bottom of a 200 foot lake? That seems to be a good low-tech warning device then. We could put a similar sign in a vault and fire all the accountants(there is a stimulus plan).

  • I think the problem lies in the fact that these people want to be oppressed and perhaps even mistreated. I think that they are under the impression that the end of the oppression and of the physical and psychological abuse they have suffered came too easy.

    Either that or they just want to hear someone apologise for what happened.

    • PPMP Sandwich
  • that is why you shouldent drink to much cause you find yourself asking where your pants are when really they were on your head the whole time.

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