Posted by tim in The internet sucks! on February 1, 2009

This is a big fad on Facebook right now, and I've been tagged in many notes from friends who have also done this. I'm not tagging anyone, and I'm posting it on my blog. Without any further adieu, 25 random facts about me:

  1. I like pie
  2. I lived with my parents until I was 23
  3. I didn't get my license until I was 18
  4. My first car was given to me
  5. I have paid for all the vehicles I have owned by myself
  6. I worked in the automotive industry for 7 years
  7. I have worked in the IT industry for 2 years
  8. I have been fired from a job once
  9. I have never quit a job on bad terms
  10. I have literally broken my back before
  11. I have arthritis in my hands and back
  12. I still have my tonsils and appendix
  13. I hate aspargus
  14. Tea makes my stomach upset
  15. I moved 1500 miles from home last summer
  16. I have only been to Wal Mart once since August
  17. I've not had KFC in about a year
  18. When I don't feel like cooking, I'll normally order Chinese food
  19. I don't have cable or satellite
  20. My name is listed on the charter for at least 2 LLC's
  21. I turned down a Google job recruiter
  22. I don't smoke
  23. I own an XBox 360 and a Playstation 2, but I rarely make use of either
  24. I enjoy bike riding
  25. I own 6 pairs of blue jeans, but normally cycle through just 3 of them
  • My first car was given to me I have paid for all the vehicles I have owned by myself

    I have been fired from a job once I have never quit a job on bad terms

    Uhhhh... I mean, I think I know what you're getting at, but these are contradictory :P

  • Congrats. You spotted the weirdness. :P

    The first car was indeed given to me, but only after I loaned my parents the money to buy it.

    When I was fired from the one job, I actually shook everyone's hand on the way out the door, including the guy who said I was fired. Normally, I would have been very upset. However, this was the excuse I needed to get myself into a college program. Had I not been fired from that job, I would probably still be there today.

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