My suggestion is to drop the borders temporarily and see how it looks
The site seems to render nicely in Chrome, as well as Firefox. I know it doesn't render 100% correctly in Internet Explorer, what with the inability to float
elements.I plan on maybe adding some new features in the nearish future, such as Markdown support ( I also need to finish some of the other incomplete features, such as the file manager and user registration. If I get bored enough, I may just get some of that knocked out this weekend.
Yeah, since I wrote this I figured out how Themeroller works. It's still annoying though.
In terms of the fundamentalists, I can see your point and partially agree with you; I believe in a healthy balance between science, the religion itself, and common sense. It would be nice though if people would respect each others' opinions and beliefs.
It was amazing. If I were to go back to Vegas it would be to see another Cirque show.
Awwww man I'm jealous of the Cirque du Soleil; how was it?
Welcome to the minority, a position us liberals enjoyed for the last eight years :)
Ah hell I'll throw my two cents in:
I'd wager you've probably already heard of it, but for styling the jQuery UI stuff this is a godsend: (maybe you want more fine tuned styling).
On the political side of things, I think fundamental Christianity is becoming a bit of an annoyance for a lot of people (myself included). For me, this is because there seems to be a lot of interest from fundamentalists lately in putting religion in a position that directly and deliberately opposes science and reason then requesting it gets fair time and consideration. Let's be reasonable and admit that these aren't the same things and don't have to be pitted against one another. I think science, being academic and... well... scientific, should be left to the schools while religion is left to the church.
For this, though, I actually have to place the blame on this new almost militant atheist movement. I wish everyone would just respect others' opinions; it's such a waste of time topic for people to be getting riled up about.
Dude, that's just nasty. >_<
Still missing the interior pictures. You're still fired! :-)
Tim. Reading this blog post, my first thought was sleep apnea, and I see here in the comments you suspect that too. My dad has it, and what you describe sounds so close to what he does. I'd get that checked into specifically as FueyLulu said, if you haven't alraedy.
That'll have to wait until I get it detailed next. A weekend at the beach got it a little dusty inside.
Nice! Jap cars usually last a good 400.000km with proper service. :-) It looks real smart too! How about pics of the interior?
Oh bullshit. relating video cards to RAID controllers? A video card is listed as a requirement on the side of a video game box, meaning that alot more people think it's an easy upgrade. Setting up a real RAID requires mobo support, multiple drives, formatting, and likely installing drivers in Windows anyway.
True, but you should be aware that RAID controllers are not always universal.