She's paying for your petrol? :-o
It's just because you're so 1337 good...
Matt, you're admitting defeat? Lame! :P
You're right actually :P
Until she dumps you for Tim, Matt... Because he is far better looking and has much more money and a way cooler car. And oh, because he can lift half a pound more than you can! ;-)
Good on you dude, I hope it all works out!
Oh and as for the next topic of conversation, I am completely the same, when I first met Katie all I did was make fun of things which offended her greatly. Luckily she married me so I will never have to be in that position again :)
Do I sense sarcasm?
That last line is not Emo.
Post a new Post already. How about that weekend you had?
Put there is not picture of you now. Bring that back and it will all be ok.
Post again when you're all buff, greased up, and glistening in the sun so I won't be discouraged from doing the same ;)
Yes, stealing is wrong...and bad...and we shouldn't do it. Thanks for the tip!
I did that to start and it looked like crap. I'll see about doing it again this evening though.