I got bored with the template the site was using and decided to re-introduce the old "Ice Flame" template. Please leave comments and let me know what you think.
The site seems to render nicely in Chrome, as well as Firefox. I know it doesn't render 100% correctly in Internet Explorer, what with the inability to float
elements.I plan on maybe adding some new features in the nearish future, such as Markdown support (http://michelf.com/projects/php-markdown/). I also need to finish some of the other incomplete features, such as the file manager and user registration. If I get bored enough, I may just get some of that knocked out this weekend.
My suggestion is to drop the borders temporarily and see how it looks
I did that to start and it looked like crap. I'll see about doing it again this evening though.
Put there is not picture of you now. Bring that back and it will all be ok.