Posted by tim in I hate technology. on February 18, 2007
Kamchatkans and Venezuelans beware. A 20-million-tonne asteroid could be heading your way. Californians have even more reason to worry - the asteroid is more likely to hit the Pacific Ocean, triggering a tsunami that could devastate the west coast of North America.

Elsewhere in the article:

If the asteroid Apophis hits Earth in 2036, it could slam into the Pacific Ocean, generating a tsunami that could devastate the west coast of North America (Illustration: Don Davis/NASA)

The picture that the above text surrounds shows a mass, sized about like the moon, smashing into Earth. I'm sorry, but if something this large hit the planet, I don't think tsunamis would be the primary concern.

  • its just an illustration

    "like the 250-metre-wide Apophis"

  • 1 in 45,000? well, i'm glad i know how to swim ; )

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