Posted by tim in It wouldn't fit in any other category... on April 9, 2006

So tonight, the whole family got together at a little place in the middle of nowhere to eat dinner and celebrate my sigh 24th birthday.

While we were there, in walked the former owners of a restaurant that I worked at - my first job. Seemingly not too long afterwards, I was fighting the dirty dishes and empty glasses for a spot to plant my elbows on the table while I socialized with everyone.

When I worked for these people, nearly 10 years ago, the wife would yell and cuss and scream at me because there were dirty dishes on the tables at their place. With them sitting just a couple tables away, I could hear the echoes of her ranting because our table had not been cleared. It was almost like a dream. You know, that kind of dream where you're supposed to be doing something but it turns out you're supposed to do it for yourself....or something...

So yeah, it was weird. The time with the family was really nice though. I always enjoy that kind of get-together.

  • fald ort!!

  • Happy official Birthday, Yo. Like seriously.



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