Posted by tim in Happy on April 5, 2006

I talked with my grandmother the other day about spending some time with her on my day off, which was today. She sent me an e-mail last night, asking if I would be up for lunch or supper with her at "Kentucky Fried Chicken". I called her this morning when I woke up (11:00AM) and asked if supper would work better, and she said it would. She also said that she would like to order from the drive-through and take it back to the house so we could spend time together without worrying about other people and noise and such.

So anyhow, I went to her house, we headed out to KFC and pulled up to the drive-through, and there was "Boss Lady", ordering from the drive-through as well. She was a couple cars in front of us. After we ordered, she saw me through the window of Grandma's car, and waved. She got her food and left. When we got up to the window, the girl working the register handed Grandma a receipt and said, "That lady in the S.U.V. that just left paid for your meal. You don't owe anything... She said, 'I demand to know how much their bill is,' and paid for it."

I thought Grandma was going to cry because she was so moved by it. I too thought it was a very cool gesture, but it didn't seem too out of the ordinary for her to do that.

So yeah, I officially work for the coolest people ever. They bought my Grandma food at KFC. :)

  • whoa! spiffyboodles, d00d!

  • Sweet.

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