Posted by tim in Pissed on January 20, 2006

I don't know why I even bothered spending the money on this rig... I am only home in the late evenings (6:30PM-7:20AM), and my parents are home at the same time.

Tonight, I decided to play for a little while -- the first time in probably a month or so I've actually played. I had been playing for about 3 songs, and I felt pretty good about how I was playing, so I decided to keep going. Mom knocked on my door and asked, "Is that as low as that will go?" I said, "No, but that's about as low as it can be so I can still hear it." She got pissed off, walked out, and slammed my door.

This is the usual case. I get bitched at for playing it, no matter what time of the day or day of the week it is. I spent somewhere in the neighborhood of $400 on the amp, the cables, and the guitar, and I'm not "allowed" to play it because it's "too noisy".

Give me a break.

I can remember countless times when I was growing up, trying to sleep either at night or in the morning, and hearing someone pounding away on the piano. Was I allowed to complain? Was I ever allowed to ask that she play quieter? No. If I even considered it I would have been yelled and screamed at because she supposedly never got to play any other time.

I'm sick of it. I want to be able to play when I want to. I get bitched at for this, I get bitched at for playing video games. I get bitched at for watching TV. I get bitched at for not being home. What am I supposed to do?

The phrase, "Damned if you do, damned if you dont," comes to mind.

  • Save it for when you move out.

  • I agree again with fufu. :)

  • erm, Fuey.


  • You should place the amp in your parents room at about 5 am, on full and start slamming away and screaming at the top of your voice at the same time! Don't forget to wear a mask.

  • I would, but my last name isn't Margera.

  • How broken can the sentences that I make be?

  • I dunno, how broken can they be? No, seriously. Give it a try! :)

  • Headphones, these are the answer.

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