Posted by tim in Pissed on June 18, 2005

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When I first got my truck, it would be a rare occasion when I would go over $20 to fill my tank.

  • When i first got my license, gas prices were below $2

    It has yet to go back, over a year and a half now

  • When I first got my license gas was like $1.12 per gallon. Now, it's $1.99 which is about the lowest it's been here in a while. I remember when I was little and gas was like $0.97 per gallon. Too bad it isn't that anymore.

  • No kidding. I remember when people had a fit about the cheap crap (which I bought yesterday) went over $1.00! Now, people just whine about it, but they still fill their big SUV's with it and drive like they're in the Daytona 500.

  • I remember when gas was 56 cents at that one station by the river.

  • That just goes to show how old you are, too. :P

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