Posted by Matt in Happy on July 5, 2004

Today I got my exam results from my university. I scored a 60.6 average with Programming and Networking being my highest modules. The mark itself is not a bad mark, its just the fact I know I can do better, there is a distinct lack of coordination on my course. The lecturers have no contact with each other so many times we are forced to learn what we have already learnt and then miss other parts of the syllabus.

I have to get an average of about 70% next year to get me a 1st class degree and I think thats well with my grasp, next year constitutes 80% of my overall mark.

Overall a satisfying feeling :)

  • Good work dude. What is the percentage of your friends on average?

  • 40-50

    I rule my class with an iron fist. Perhaps because the rest of them are as thick as two short planks.

    btw - 40 is the pass mark.

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