Posted by tim in The Wildebeest Network on September 4, 2008

If you're very familiar with me or my projects, you'll know that I've been maintaining a behemoth of a project server for the last few years. This project server started out as a very low end system, was built up to a dual Pentium 3 450MHz with a 4 disk SCSI RAID setup, then was given another kickstart on life with a dual Athlon MP 1800, using the same RAID setup.

This server has been in use by several people, as a place to get started with web hosting and development. Now though, it's rarely used and could be facing an end.

The server has run into some stability issues over the last few days, due to hardware failures. While we may be replacing this hardware, I'm starting to wonder if the need remains for this server.

To all Wildebeest Network members: If you have been actively using your account, please speak now. I will not make any executive decision to discontinue this server until I have received word from each one of you. However, if I have not heard from you by October 1st, 2008, I will make the decision to discontinue user accounts on this server, keeping it only as an off-site file server for my family and myself.

This server has been a very important part of my career, as it has given me the opportunity to exercise many different levels of Linux systems administration, thus giving me an edge in the market where I presently work. This project - The Wildebeest - was started by my brother-in-law and I when I knew very little about PHP or web hosting, but quickly became an environment where I would refine my skills and gain in-depth knowledge about these topics. If it were not for The Wildebeest, the chances of existing, or me working as a systems engineer for The Planet would be very slim.

With that having been said, please understand that this is not an easy decision for me to make. That is why I need your input. If you would like to keep the server online, I need to know now. Additionally, if you would like to show your gratitude, financial contributions to help bring this server back to life are more than welcome. Heck, I'll even get crazy and do some sort of dollar-matching program if you want to see this project continue. If you're interested in that, let me know ASAP so I can get it set up.

  • it would be sad to see it go.

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