Posted by tim in Politics on May 15, 2009

After my last entry about anything political, I got to thinking about this shirt I wanted. It would be a bright orange shirt, similar to those worn by inmates, with the word "TERRORIST" on the back in big, bold lettering.

Tonight I came across one of those "make your own shirt" sites, and they had the color t-shirt I was looking for, so I got busy. The product is this:

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This shirt is intended to express my frustration for those in the Republican party who are very passionate about their beliefs, being labeled by the passionate Democrats as "Terrorists".

I believe that this should be tolerated under that whole "freedom of speech" and "equal rights" tag that the liberals are so concerned about right now. However, I would really fear for my own safety in wearing such a shirt. Is that sad?

  • Welcome to the minority, a position us liberals enjoyed for the last eight years :)

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