• That's a pretty high level of douchebaggery. They're definitely not that uptight here. :-P

  • haha...D'oh!

  • Data sanitization FTW!

  • Robert'); DROP TABLE Posts;--

  • Say what? o_O

  • adept day! Could the founder described in element the soul of address

    P.S. I would like to formulate c arrange your heed to the experience that - www.skudd.com sheer enchanting Web resource!

  • ...

  • Suh-weet! It worked!

  • Test

  • Whoever had the bright idea of putting these things inside a building as a seasonal decoration is an idiot and deserves to be shot.

    It's 5:00AM and I'm awake because my cough woke me up. I feel like I need to cough up a mass of some sort, but it's too dry of a cough to do that.

  • Waffles are pancakes with syrup traps.

  • Sans your CodeIgniter plug (Brought to you by Carl's Jr. :P), this is the type of meaningful response I have been dying for lately. Nobody, and I mean nobody I work with has the same level of knowledge or involvement in web development. There are a few who are getting started, but they normally come to me for advice and such. There is one of my co-workers who is a die-hard Ajax developer, but I've never had the opportunity to have a discussion with him about anything for more than 5 or 10 minutes.

    Dustin, if you wouldn't keep falling off the face of the earth, I would be more than happy to discuss this type of thing with you on a regular basis again!

  • I'll have to disagree with you here on almost every point, but let me address your issues backwards (or atleast out of order) because that will wind up making the most sense.

    Frameworks get a bad wrap, and mostly for good reason. But CodeIgniter is actually great. The problem with a lot of frameworks is that you wind up having to really throw yourself into this whole new programming paradigm and until you figure out the "proper" way to work within its constraints you feel a little lost and a lot slowed down. That, and there's only one right way to do things. CodeIgniter isn't this way, though. Everything it does is essentially that part of the beginning of a project where you sit and think, "alright... how am i going to do this..." except that with CodeIgniter you can just get started. And once you do, you're still free to do things your own way. Is it suitable for a simple link database? Probably not. For projects beyond that it's got so many benefits that I'd use it. Without actually getting your hands dirty with CI I'm not sure I can convince you of its benefits, but take my word for a moment that it's great.

    Ajax was something that felt really daunting to go and try to learn for a long time, and I put it off. With libraries like jQuery today, though, Ajax is ridiculously easy (easier than not using it, honest to God). You wind up with a single page instead of two or more, so you spend less or equal time making the interface and you get the added benefit that a page load isn't necessary. As a side note, Json makes the whole thing so easy to do (just convert your PHP array to Jason, display it, and grab it with jQuery and you've got all your data in JS now... simple!) that Ajax development can honestly be a real treat.

    As for template engines I'm still on the fence. With something like CodeIgniter you can deal with objects and methods rather than actual data passing. This means you're not having to pass around copies of data, which is great (not to mention it's the entire point of OOP). There's still some overhead attached to this and not all that many benefits, but some of the helper stuff can be pretty nice. Personally I've dropped using template engines altogether but I'd really like the idea of template engines if there was a standard template language. How great would it be if there was a single template language to rule them all and the backend wouldn't matter? I think that's the ideal situation. Until that happens, though, having the front-end guys learn something like Smarty is wasted time.

    I think the whole way that web programming is shifting can be really bewildering at first, but ultimately it has rejuvenated my love for the craft. There's a balance somewhere between this "old way" and "new way" and I think I've found it with the combination of CodeIgniter and jQuery. Again, it really is a treat to work with.

  • thats retarded, if it's supposed to mimic a phone you may as well make it work there.

  • It's supposed to mimic a phone, not work on a phone. All you people fail.

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